Academic Formation
Computer Science at the State University of Ceará 🧑🎓
👩💻 📊 Seplag-CE (CLT)
- Backend Developer at SUITE project, working with Python and Django REST Framework
- When needed opering as AWS Devops and learning more about this.
🧑🎓 📚 Dell Lead (CLT)
- Member of the Data Science DSB project, working as a FullStack Developer (Python + Angular)
- Member of the Virtual Agent project - Stuart - acting as Python Developer
- Python for the Web mentor in the Dell Academy project
🗺️ 🚘 RastroSystem (Trainee at CLT)
Responsible for taking care of tracking platform, chip management platform and freelance software product development
📚 💻 Faculdade Evolução (Trainee)
Responsible for looking after and maintaining computer labs in addition to providing support to students, faculty and staff.
🧑🎓 📚 Laboratório de Redes e Segurança da Informação - LARCES - UECE (Scholarship)
Study of mathematical techniques and tools to improve research. Maintenance of servers and internet switch. Participation in the translation of papers
Projects in Companies
- Tracking Platform
- Chip Management Platform
- Event Accreditation System
- Integration and Generation of Boletos Santander and Banco do Brasil
- Financial Onlending Platform
Final Paper
- Scheduling Management System for Volunteer Work
Personal Projects
is a CLI client for the TRIGGERcmd cloud service. Feel free to submit a suggestion, submit our pull request. It will be a pleasure to receive you ✨ 🚀
is a termo simple command line style 🗔✨
is a CLI client for the TRIGGERcmd cloud service. Feel free to submit a suggestion, submit our pull request. It will be a pleasure to receive you ✨ 🚀
Web scale management System aimed at volunteer work. Developed to meet the needs of coordinators of a group of altar boys. It has push notifications, presence confirmation via geolocation and video calls via Google Meet ✨ 🚀
An example of websocket chat using fastapi ✨
OLX Clone App Using React Native
This project has no code versioning 😔
Arduino-Client-Server Communication
This project has no code versioning 😔
🏅 Skills
Programming Languages
✨ Frontend
👨💻 Backend
- Portuguese
- English Basic~Intermediate